WBT Book Club: Chapter 4

This summer I will be participating in Whole Brain Teaching's Book Club. If you would like to participate, you can get more information {HERE}. My post today is a reflection on Chapter 4 with the directions/assignments coming directly from the book club. I'd love to read your comments and feedback!
You can read my previous reflections here:
Reflections on Chapter 4:
Directions: Imagine next year is completed.  You've faithfully charted your own behavior as an instructor and your students' progress.  Looking back, what did you learn?

It's June 2014. I've just finished another year in second grade, but my first fully implementing WBT strategies. One of the first things I realized I needed to do was take a look at myself and how my behaviors affect my classroom. I started the year by focusing on two critical features of my behavior--controlling my tone and being consistent with my classroom management plan.
In order to chart this effectively, I utilized Class Dojo. Each week I would rate myself based on my ability to control my tone and consistently follow my classroom management plan. The data was shaky at first. I realized that I had periods of time when I wasn't being consistent. What I also noticed was that this lack of consistency was linked to my inability to control my tone. Imagine that! When I was consistent with my management plan, I controlled my tone! Once I saw this connection, I went back to basics and was able to see a change in my behavior, which led to a change in the whole vibe of the classroom!
Once I had a firm handle on my behavior, I moved on to focusing on student behavior. The measures that I focused on were following directions quickly, raising hands for permission to speak, and being ready to work at all times. Once I picked my focused measures, I saw who my Alphas, Go-Alongs, Fence Sitters, and Challenging Students were. I again used Class Dojo as a way to record students’ points. By using this in combination with the Super Improvers Wall, I was able to see my students strive for greater behavior and effort. By using these strategies and focusing first on me, I was able to see my students all move at least one level, leaving as Leaders, Alphas, Go-Alongs, and Fence Sitters. I was also able to see myself striving for more. I wanted to increase my score, which increased my students' score!
Overall, the year went smoothly. By focusing on my behavior first I was able to see where I struggled and where I excelled. Then I was able to use this information to help guide my students along. Also, pinpointing specific measures allowed me to provide genuine opportunities to watch my students grow. Charting my behavior and student behavior is a strategy I will continue to use throughout my teaching career.

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