Sunday Scoop {2/22/15}

I'm linking up with the Teaching Trio again for this week's Sunday Scoop.
Have to:
We start our fractions unit in a few weeks and I want to have it planned out.  I have this product from Totally Sweet Math Centers by Tabitha that I can't wait to use.
Interactive Notebook- Fractions for Grade 3
I also need to sort through my 3rd grade math board on Pinterest.  I pin ideas but then forget to go back to use them.  Please tell me I'm not the only one who does that?  
Laundry and ironing are boring but so need to be done.  For meal prep, I want to try to get more variety into my snacks.  Again, I'm turning to Pinterest to help me get some more recipes to try.
Hope to:
Our report card grades opened up this week and my goal is to do a few comments a day instead of all 21 in 1 weekend.  They aren't due until March 9 so I'm really hoping to get a head start.  
My daughter is looking forward to spending a few days in San Diego this summer.  We usually go down there for a day to visit one of the attractions.  Last summer we spent 3 days down there and this summer we'll be spending 5!  So far I've bought tickets to a Dodgers-Padres game and the Zoo.  Need to finalize hotel arrangements and Legoland.
Happy to:
My daughter had her first softball game yesterday.  I am happy to spend time each day and practice with her!

Enough about my week.  Click the button below to check out what everyone's up to for the upcoming week.
What plans do you have this week?

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