Brownie Point freebies

Yesterday I blogged about Class Dojo, which I use for individual behavior (CLICK HERE TO READ), so I thought that today I would talk about what I do for whole class behavior.  This year I will be using brownie points.  The idea is pretty simple: kids earn a brownie for great behavior.  I plan to use this when my kids get compliments from other teachers and when they go to their pull-out classes.  I'm blessed to teach at a school where my kids get PE, science lab, music, computers, and foreign language each week; however sometimes my little angels turn into other people when they go into another classroom.  Enter the brownie points!  I will give each pull out teacher a slip for them to rate the class' behavior. 
Click here for an editable version
Click here to download
At the beginning of the year, I will give a brownie if they get a 4 or 5 in all categories.  Later in the year, they will have to have a 5 in all categories.  Once students fill up the pan, we will have a treat...I love excuses to eat sweets!!!  Any students who get listed as star students will also get a Dojo point, while anyone listed as a struggling student will get a Dojo point taken away.  Hopefully this will get them to understand the importance of individual and class behavior.


  1. Love the brownie points idea!! Thanks for sharing!

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. Hi, Brandi! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm your newest follower! Love YOUR blog!

    I really like your idea of the Brownie Points slip for other teachers to fill out! So smart. :)

    Mrs. Heeren's Happenings


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