My school does a university theme and my class is the University of I didn't go to school there, nor am I from Texas. I picked them because they have good sports teams and it's fun to hear my kids say "Hook 'em horns!"
In the back of my room I have my Texas bulletin board. Last year I had a student who's aunt owned a farm and sent in pictures of her longhorns so I displayed them up there, along with my Texas poster and other university stuff. I am going to give the disclaimer that this bulletin board is above my back cabinets, and in order to get up there, I had to do some "interesting" climbing all while my foot was in a brace. When I got down I realized the right side border and most of the pictures are completely crooked :( Maybe one day I'll venture back up there but for now I'm stuck looking at it!
On my back cabinets, I have my "starting line up". I'm doing a sports theme and thought this would be a cute way to display my pictures from meet your teacher.
On these cabinets I also have my jobs display ("Helping Horns"). I used the pick me pot numbers from A Cupcake for the Teacher.
My large bulletin board in the back is where my students writing will be displayed. I've labeled it "All-Star Work" to keep with the sports theme.
On my back door I have my birthday chart. I will be taking pictures of the kids holding the numbers for their birthdays. Below that is my mini word wall. I put library pockets on a black poster and laminated it, then cut a slit for the opening of each pocket. I put an index card in each pocket (haven't done that yet) and when students need help spelling a word, they get the correct card and I'll write it on there. When they need help, they can look there first before asking me.
On the right hand wall, I have some motivational posters and my multiple intelligence display. I teach at an MI school, so we test all the kids to find out strength and display it in our rooms. I have a very bodily-kinesthetic and interpersonal class, so lots of movement and talking!
Continuing around the room, I have my behavior managment posted with my rules, consequences, and rewards.
In the front of my room, on the white board, I have my brownie points pan, my WBT posters and classroom signals.
Next, I have my boggle board, but I think I'm going to move it and use this space to display my weekly standards.
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