This time of year I always make the commitment to blog, but then life happens and it doesn't happen. We've been in school for 2 weeks so I'm finally getting around to posting my classroom pictures. I will have to say that this is one of my favorite classroom set ups ever! I love the colors and how everything turned out!
These 2 pictures are of my whiteboard (that I hardly ever write on). I used magnetic borders from Lakeshore to frame it. I have my hand signals display, homework club, calendar, WBT posters, schedule, and objectives posted right now.
Here is my Calendar Math board. I use dry-erase pockets to put 8 different review activities each day. I plan to do a full post on this soon, because it is one of my favorite parts of the day!
I am using this display to focus on math vocabulary. I picked up 3rd grade math word wall cards from Teaching and Tapas and use the clothespins to display them. At the bottom I have Math It Up, which is like boggle but with numbers. I picked those up from Teacher on the Loose.
This is my writing wall. I used glitter clothespins which don't show up here, but they're a cute purple color! I also picked up some writing posters from Lakeshore on a recent shopping trip with former colleagues....I love going there with other teachers!
Here is my Jiji display and my sports themed clip chart. Above the clip chart is the Hall of Fame. I will be putting all retired clips there....this seems like another blog post to explain how I use my clip chart with Class Dojo!
In the back of my room I have these cabinets with floral green contact paper...not my cup of tea, but it's already done. Above the cabinets I have my "We Believe" classroom expectations. On the cabinets, I decided to go with a portable word wall.
Here is where my kiddos will keep their reward tags. So far they have loved earning them!
My classroom library! I love the bins from the Dollar Tree! I have my baskets labeled by guided reading level and used labels from Ladybugs Teacher Files. The black bulletin board above it is for anchor charts. I wanted to have a central place for students to always be able to find information. It looks great with the charts hung up (they hide the wrinkles!).
This is my door (I only have 1 since I'm in a portable). I made the "In Our Classroom" display that's been going around Pinterest for the last few years.
Here are 2 of my tables that are hiding a ton of junk! We got new math and language arts curriculum that came with a ton of stuff. It's almost all hiding under here! Along with extra books for my classroom library.
These 2 are pictures of my desk area. On the side of the cabinet I have our classroom jobs and on the front are the rules are rewards. Last year I made a bunting with my name on it and I've finally put it on my desk! Up in the corner I have my display for my kiddos' birthdays.
Well, there's my classroom in a nutshell! Now that school is started I'm hoping to get into the swing of blogging about content. How's the year going for you if you've started?