Five for Friday--May 2

I feel like I've missed so many of these link ups with Doodlebugs!  I get so many good ideas from everyone's posts but haven't posted for this in over a month!  I'm excited to share some of the things we've been working on in my little classroom and some happenings at home!
 We spent time time working on making inferences which I blogged about HERE.  Now we've moved on to inferring character traits.  My kiddos had a blast reading and listening to Chester's Way and Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse.  We spent time looking at Lilly's character traits:
 For this activity they had to cut out the traits that described Lilly and glue them to this sheet.
 The next day we did the same activity but they worked in groups to find the traits for Mr. Slinger:
Then they had to write me a letter saying if they would like to have Mr. Slinger as a teacher and they had to cite text evidence!
My pretty girl got her first pair of glasses! She's so excited to wear them even if it's only to look at the board!
Next week is Teacher Appreciation Week at my daughter's preschool so we'll be making these gifts again.  I blogged about them last year and you can get the printable HERE.
Finally, I'm also linking up with Jennifer from Mrs. Laffin's Laughings for her Positive Thinking Thursday linky.
Here's one of my favorite positive pins:
inspiring via |
To all of us pressing our way through the end of the year, keep pressing!  I'm inspired on a daily basis from this fabulous community!


  1. LOVE the Lilly activities! I did her this week too! Did you make those? Where can I get them so I will have them for next year! Glad I found you through the link-up!
    :) Dana
    Common to the Core

  2. Kevin Henkes is one of my absolute favorite the activities and your beautiful blog! Good luck to your little cutie with her glasses! My son has gotten so used to his that I have to ease them off of his face in his sleep, lol! Thanks for sharing! =)

    A+ Firsties

  3. Kevin Henkes is one of my absolute favorite the activities and your beautiful blog! Good luck to your little cutie with her glasses! My son has gotten so used to his that I have to ease them off of his face in his sleep, lol! Thanks for sharing! =)

    A+ Firsties


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